Welcome to the open archive of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne. Our objective is to build a site where all the scientific publications of our 6 research centres’scientists will be posted. Their work will be available to themselves, our institute and research scholars worldwide.

ENSM-SE has now joined HAL open access archive on par with other French research institutes and is proud to allow free access to scientific publications for all within the framework of publishers and authors’ intellectual property rights.

Research departments of ENSM-SE :

Henri Fayol Institute
Department of Materials Science and Structures (SMS)
Department of Natural and Industrial Processes (SPIN)
Georges Charpak Center for Microelectronics in Provence (CMP Georges Charpak)
Department of Health Science and Engineering (CIS)

Contact : David VARENNE - +33 4 77 49 97 32

Documents avec texte intégral

2 980

Nombre de références bibliographiques

5 593