Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2023

Long time behavior for collisional strongly magnetized plasma in three space dimensions

Mihaï Bostan
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 837137
Anh-Tuan Vu


We consider the long time evolution of a population of charged particles, under strong magnetic fields and collision mechanisms. We derive a fluid model and justify the asymptotic behavior toward smooth solutions of this regime. In three space dimensions, a constraint ocurs along the parallel direction. For eliminating the corresponding Lagrange multiplier, we average along the magnetic lines.
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Dates et versions

hal-04044765 , version 1 (27-03-2023)
hal-04044765 , version 2 (02-01-2024)
hal-04044765 , version 3 (16-01-2025)



Mihaï Bostan, Anh-Tuan Vu. Long time behavior for collisional strongly magnetized plasma in three space dimensions. 2025. ⟨hal-04044765v3⟩
127 Consultations
53 Téléchargements


