INSPIIRE laboratory (Interdisciplinarity in Public Health, Interventions & Complex Measuring Instruments - Eastern Region) is a joint research unit (UMR 1319) of University of Lorraine and Inserm. INSPIIRE lab develops interdisciplinary research targeting public health, stemming from two topics:

    - Development and evaluation of prevention programs including complex interventions
    - Development and validation of perceived health measures and other complex public health measures used as outcomes.

We are organized into three axes, considered as areas of application of our two topics:

Axis 1: Sambe: Mental health and well-being

Sambe axis focuses on health promotion and primary prevention, mobilizing an interdisciplinary approach to develop and evaluate complex measures and interventions.

Axis 2: AntibioVac: Prevention of antibiotic resistance and vaccine promotion

The objectives of this axis are to evaluate antibiotic and other antimicrobial prescribing and vaccination practices; to identify factors associated with inappropriate practices or unfavorable vaccination behaviors, in order to develop interventions promoting antibiotic/antimicrobial stewardship and/or vaccination; to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and implementation of such interventions; and to assess the effectiveness of antibiotic alternatives compared with standard antibiotic in infectious diseases.

Axis 3: Sesamac: Health services and complex measures in chronic diseases.

The objectives of this axis are to develop instruments for measuring perceived health (i.e., PRO) in chronic disease, and to develop and evaluate secondary or tertiary prevention programs to promote health in people living with chronic diseases.

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