Here is the updated scientific production of the research area "Distributed Systems, Parallel Computing, and Networks". This research area of the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory (LIG) is organized into 5 teams:
- CORSE : Compiler Optimizations and Runtime Systems (lead by Fabrice Rastello)
- DATAMOVE : Data Aware Large Scale Computing (lead by Bruno Raffin)
- DRAKKAR: Wireless and mobile networks (lead by Andrzej Duda)
- ERODS: Efficient and RObust Distributed Systems (lead by Didier Donsez)
- POLARIS : Performance evaluation and Optimization of LARge Infrastructures and Systems (lead by Arnaud Legrand)
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Game Theory, Heterogeneous programming, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things, Multi-Core Programming, Parallel and Embedded Systems, Performance of Large-Scale Systems, Scheduling
LIG website
Former teams
- MESCAL: Middleware efficiently scalable (lead by Bruno Gaujal)
- MOAIS: Programming and scheduling design on distributed resources for applications based on interactive simulation (lead by Jean-Louis Roch)
- NANOSIM: Nanosimulations and Embedded Applications for Hybrid Multi-core Architectures (lead by Jean-Francois Mehaut)
Last submissions
Djob Barbe Thystere Mvondo Djob, Francois Taiani, Yérom-David Bromberg. HORSE: Ultra-low latency workloads on FaaS platforms. Middleware '24: 25th International Middleware Conference, ACM Association For Computing Machinery, Dec 2024, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China. pp.445-453, ⟨10.1145/3652892.3700784⟩. ⟨hal-04894549⟩
Ye Xia, Xavier Etchevers, Loïc Letondeur, Thierry Coupaye, Frédéric Desprez. Optimizing Cloud Application Scheduling: A Dual-Stage Heuristic Approach. ICCCBDA 2024 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics, Apr 2024, Chengdu, China. pp.134-140, ⟨10.1109/ICCCBDA61447.2024.10569682⟩. ⟨hal-04886644⟩
Davide Legacci, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Christos Papadimitriou, Georgios Piliouras, Bary S R Pradelski. No-regret learning in harmonic games: Extrapolation in the face of conflicting interests. NeurIPS 2024 - 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Dec 2024, Vancouver, Canada. pp.1-36. ⟨hal-04863624⟩
Imad Kissami, Christophe Cérin, Fayssal Benkhaldoun, Fahd Kalloubi. Facts and issues of neural networks for numerical simulation. Mostapha Zbakh, Mohammed Essaaidi, Claude Tadonki, Abdellah Touha and Dhabaleswar K. Panda. Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing in the Cloud - Research and Application Challenges., Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, In press. ⟨hal-04857297⟩
Ulysse Coutaud, Martin Heusse, B. Tourancheau. Adaptive Data Rate for Multiple Gateways LoRaWAN Networks. 2020 16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)(50308), Oct 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/WiMob50308.2020.9253425⟩. ⟨hal-03011494⟩
Olivier Hureau, Andrzej Duda, Maciej Korczyński. Stress Testing the DMARC Reporting System: Compliance with Standards and Ways of Improvement. CoNEXT '24: The 20th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, Dec 2024, Los Angeles, CA, United States. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1145/3680121.3697809⟩. ⟨hal-04832277⟩
Number of fulltext
1 043
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Submissions evolution
Co-author map