In recent years, PRO-VE Conferences have introduced the notion of Collaborative networks 4.0 (CN4.0) as the new generation of collaborative networks, in the era of applied Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation. Meanwhile since last year, the world has encountered major health and economic crises caused by the Corona pandemic, emphasizing that disruptive situations, at different scales, tend to be increasingly frequent, while having strong impact in the society. Smart and digital technologies supporting agility, scalability, resilience, and adaptability, characterize CN 4.0. These properties have become critical features for most sectors of our modern societies, including manufacturing industry and services sectors. CN 4.0 can contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable world.

Agile and sustainable systems and business models, based on open collaborative processes, are not only an answer to the increasing need for customization but can also provide higher resilience, i.e. joint reconfigurations of market-offers, production processes, and consumption patterns, among others. Digitalization of both products and services enable a transition towards a larger vision of value creation: digitalization strengthens research trends on societal impacts and makes it possible to progressively focus on more ecological value chains, based on circular and collaborative economy.

Combined with the current boom of applied Artificial Intelligence and learning, Collaborative Networks show high potentials to boost Industry 4.0. But digitalization also concerns many other activity sectors where agility, resilience, and sustainability are key challenges, e.g. the Health 4.0, Agriculture 4.0, Cities 4.0, Transportation 4.0, Logistics 4.0, Education 4.0, and even Tourism 4.0. With an eye on this diversity of application fields, PRO-VE 2021 will provide a forum for sharing experiences, discussing trends, and identifying new opportunities, thus introducing innovative solutions for the new generation of Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0.