Last submissions
Annabelle Mercier, Michel Beigbeder. ENSM-SE at CLEF 2006 : Fuzzy Proxmity Method with an Adhoc Influence Function. Peters, Carol : Clough, Paul : Gey, Fredric : Karlgren, Jussi : Magnini, Bernardo : Oard, Douglas : de Rijke, Maarten : Stempfhuber, Maximilian. Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, p 83 - 90, 2007, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-74999-8_11⟩. ⟨emse-00680435⟩
Fernando Aguiar, Michel Beigbeder. Construction et utilisation de contextes autour des nœuds d'un hypertexte pour la recherche d'information. Document numérique - Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information. Série Document numérique, 2004, 8 (3), pp.71-82. ⟨10.3166/dn.8.3.71-82⟩. ⟨emse-00949204⟩
Michel Beigbeder. Structured Content-Only Information Retrieval Using Term Proximity and Propagation of Title Terms. Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems, 5th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2006, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, December 17-20, 2006, Revised and Selected Papers, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.200-212, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4518, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-73888-6_20⟩. ⟨hal-00406855⟩