Development of a protected gas sensor for automotive applications
A Béta-alumina-based gas sensor for automotive exhaust application (hydrocarbon, CO, NO2 detection in 10-1000 ppm concentration range) has been developed by thick film technology (screen-printing) in the frame of a European project. The sensing device consists of a solid electrolyte (Béta alumina) and of two metallic electrodes having different catalytic properties, the whole system being in contact with the surrounding atmosphere to be analyzed. The detection principle is based on the chemisorption of oxygen which leads to a capacitance effect at the metal-electrolyte interface, resulting in a measurable difference of potential depending on nature and concentration of pollutants and on the sensor temperature. For application in exhaust pipe, a porous protective layer based on alpha-alumina for preserving the sensing material and the metal electrodes from contamination and deterioration was screen-printed on the sensing element. For limiting the possible interface interactions between the overlapped layers, a new concept of screen-printable ink was set up based on mixing the oxide powder and its gelly precursor without any inorganic binder addition. The performances of the sensor were tested both on laboratory and engine bench. The sensitivity is relevant for exhaust application, and the long-term stability is improved by the protective layer.