How large is the extent of COVID-19 on territorial inequality? France’s current situation and prospects
This study develops a straightforward statistical approach to explore the COVID-19 pandemic impact on inequalities. The setting of the study is the economic and social inequalities in France, as an illustration of a particular European country that has been severely affected by the current health crisis. Using rich regional data, we provide a clear picture of the COVID-19 impact on inequalities in France at the regional level. The findings show that the pandemic shocks were very asymmetrical with little correlation with the socio-demographic characteristics of a territory. The consequences of the economic losses suffered and the health distress plunged the territories into an unprecedented and multifaceted crisis. The results of this study provide some relevant policy recommendations that can be expanded beyond the French context. It provides some guidance on how to identify the impact of the health crisis on inequalities and the aggravating factors.