Proceedings of COAT-2019 Workshop
Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence :
characterization and mitigation
02 to 03 DECEMBER 2019 / ONERA, Châtillon FRANCE
COAT-2019 has been organized in the context of "Journées Scientifiques ONERA (JSO)" by Jean-Marc Conan (ONERA) with the support
- of the following Scientific Committee :
Géraldine Artaud (CNES), James Osborn (Durham Univ.), Ramon Mata-Calvo (DLR), Szymon Gładysz (Fraunhofer IOSB), Aniceto Belmonte (Technical Univ. of Catalonia), Olivier Meyer (DGA), Anne Durécu (ONERA), Clélia Robert (ONERA), Laurent Mugnier (ONERA) ;
- of the following Organizing Committee at ONERA :
Marylène Baroin, Alain Broc, Frédéric Cassaing, Anthony Drouaire, Elodie Esperanssa, Caroline Lim, David Mariette, Aurélie Montmerle-Bonnefois, Nicolas Védrenne, Marie-Thérèse Velluet.
Sessions :
- Atmospheric turbulence : modeling, characterization & prediction
- Impact of turbulence on beam propagation
- Adaptative optics for space observation
- Novel turbulence mitigation strategies
- Ground-space optical links : concepts and applications
- Free space communication links : experimental demonstrations
Scope :
In a large variety of fields, the development of ever more demanding optical systems now requires a thorough understanding of the impact of atmospheric turbulence together with the development of dedicated mitigation strategies. Originally driven by astronomy, these issues now concern near ground imaging, satellite observation, ground-space and near ground optical telecommunications and frequency dissemination, laser focusing... The workshop aims at giving an overview of current research activities in this field. It will address turbulence impact and mitigation, especially when facing strong turbulence, strong scintillation, high apparent wind speeds induced by target tracking, anisoplanatism effects due to the field of view or point-ahead angle... The following topics will, therefore, be addressed during the workshop: knowledge on turbulence conditions (modelling, characterization & prediction of both Cn² and wind profiles); study of system performance with and without mitigation; mitigation strategies based on innovative optical solutions such as single aperture adaptive optics, multi-aperture or aperture diversity solutions, integrated optics architectures, new wave-front sensing approaches, sensorless solutions, laser guide stars, high performance control; lastly, image/signal pre- and post-processing techniques (deconvolution, PSF prediction, digital communications techniques), possibly in a co-design approach.