The MELODI group gathers researchers from the previous IC3 team and former members of the LiLAC team at IRIT.

MELODI members’ research connects natural language analysis and formalization on the one hand, and knowledge modeling and representation on the other hand. The team relies on a variety of research approaches, from theoretical study of the linguistic grounding of semantics and its formal representation, of interaction and discourse structures, to more experimental work based on software developments, on building resources (such as annotated corpora, lexica or ontologies) and corpus based experiments. A part of this research takes place in a knowledge engineering perspective which aims at defining tools and developing applications using these semantic features and knowledge models.

Work on natural language carried out in MELODI includes the following topics:

Work on knowledge representation addresses the following issues:

At the border of natural language and knowledge representations appear the following research issues:

Reference Theories

Designed methods and tools

Examples of recent results include: