Conference Papers Year : 2003

Optimal design of transfer lines with blocks of parallel operations


This paper is devoted to a preliminary design problem of paced automatic transfer lines. The aim is to choose a logical layout of the line which minimises its cost subject to the given productivity and technological constraints. The paper focuses on a mathematical model of the problem and a method to solve it. The proposed method is based on the transformation of the initial problem into a constrained shortest path problem.

Dates and versions

emse-00708721 , version 1 (15-06-2012)



Alexandre Dolgui, Nikolay Guschinsky, Genrikh Levin. Optimal design of transfer lines with blocks of parallel operations. 15th IFAC World Congress, Jul 2002, Barcelone, Spain. p. 7-12, ⟨10.3182/20020721-6-ES-1901.00004⟩. ⟨emse-00708721⟩
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