Conference Papers Year : 2013

Self-organized space partitioning for multi-agent optimization


In this paper we explore the use of multi-agent systems to tackle optimization problems in which each point is expensive to get and there are multiple local optima. The proposed strategy dynamically partitions the search space between several agents that use different surrogates to approximate their subregion landscape. Agents coordinate by exchanging points to compute their surrogate and by modifying the boundaries of their subregions. Through a self-organized process of creation and deletion, agents adapt the partition as to exploit potential local optima and explore unknown regions. The overarching goal of this technique is to all local optima rather than just the global one. The rationale behind this is to assign adequate surrogate to each subregion so that (i) optimization is cheaper, (ii) the overall optimization process is not only global in scope but also stabilizes on local optima and (iii) the final partitioning provides a better understanding of the optimization problem.
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Dates and versions

emse-00820703 , version 1 (06-05-2013)


  • HAL Id : emse-00820703 , version 1


Diane Villanueva, Rodolphe Le Riche, Gauthier Picard, Raphael T. Haftka. Self-organized space partitioning for multi-agent optimization. 6th International Workshop on Optimisation in Multi-Agent Systems (OPTMAS) 2013, May 2013, Saint-Paul, Minnesota, United States. ⟨emse-00820703⟩
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