Journal Articles International Journal of Production Research Year : 2015

Tailoring performance evaluation to specific industrial contexts – application to sustainable mass customisation enterprises


This paper proposes an approach for measuring performance improvement through prioritising and aggregating performance indicators (PIs). The proposed approach helps practitioners build, in a formal way, their performance measurement systems. The novelty of the methodology lies in: (i) adapting PIs to specific industrial contexts according to companies concerns and (ii) supporting the decision-making process by providing a holistic and limited number of aggregated PIs. The context considered in the current research is sustainable mass customisation (SMC). Accordingly, a set of SMC indicators are used to illustrate the applicability of the methodology. The implementation and illustration with a real case showed some evidence of its usefulness and pointed out several improvement rooms.
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Khaled Medini, Catherine da Cunha, Alain Bernard. Tailoring performance evaluation to specific industrial contexts – application to sustainable mass customisation enterprises. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53 (8), pp.2439-2456. ⟨10.1080/00207543.2014.974844⟩. ⟨emse-01096981⟩
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