Journal Articles IFAC-PapersOnLine Year : 2015

Assembly line balancing with ergonomics paradigms: two alternative methods


In this paper, the assembly line balancing problem when ergonomics principles are taken into account is considered. Two different approaches are presented and discussed with a numerical example to provide new insights on the field and to illustrate their use on a didactic example. The first one applies a multi-objective model based on the energy expenditure, used to estimate the ergonomics level. The second one transforms the energy expenditure rate in a rest time in order to reduce the multi-objective problem to a single objective one. The two methods are alternatively usable in practice and a numerical model demonstrates their foundation.

Dates and versions

emse-01250622 , version 1 (05-01-2016)



Daria Battini, Xavier Delorme, Alexandre Dolgui, Fabio Sgarbossa. Assembly line balancing with ergonomics paradigms: two alternative methods. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing — INCOM 2015, (11-13 mai 2015), Ottawa, Canada, 48 (3), pp 586-591. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.145⟩. ⟨emse-01250622⟩
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