Conference Papers Year : 2017

Planned ETSI SAREF Extensions based on the W3C&OGC SOSA/SSN-compatible SEAS Ontology Patterns


Mid-June 2017, the ETSI SmartM2M working group voted two work items, DTS/SmartM2M-103548 and DTS/SmartM2M-103549, with the goal to enhance and augment the SAREF ontology with some of the design, development, and publication choices that have been made in the context of the ITEA2 SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) project. This paper provides an overview of these choices and their rationale. In particular, we describe contributions regarding: (i) the design of the ontology as a set of simple core ontology patterns , that can then be instantiated for multiple engineering-related verticals; (ii) the design and publication of the SEAS modular and versioned ontology in conformance with the publication and meta-data best practices, with the additional constraint that every term is deened under a single namespace. These planned additions to SAREF will ease its adoption and extension by industrial stake-holder, while ensuring easy maintenance of its quality, coherence, and modularity. Finally, because the SEAS ontology generalizes the future W3C&OGC SOSA/SSN (Sensor, Observation, Sensing, Actuation / Semantic Sensor Network) ontology, these work items contribute to the convergence of the diierent reference ontologies relevant for the IoT domain.
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emse-01638275 , version 1 (20-11-2017)


  • HAL Id : emse-01638275 , version 1


Maxime Lefrançois. Planned ETSI SAREF Extensions based on the W3C&OGC SOSA/SSN-compatible SEAS Ontology Patterns. Workshop on Semantic Interoperability and Standardization in the IoT, SIS-IoT, Sep 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 11p. ⟨emse-01638275⟩
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