Conference Papers Year : 2018

Towards a Real-time Mitigation of High Temperature while Drilling using a Multi-agent System


In oilfield wells, while drilling for several kilometers below surface, high temperature damages the drilling tools. This costs money and time for tripping operations to change the damaged tool. Existing temperature mitigation techniques have several drawbacks including a long response time, analogue signal issues and human intervention. In this work, we empower the down-hole tools with a coordination mechanism to mitigate high temperature in soft real time by controlling a down-hole actuator through a voting process. The tools are represented by agents that control the sensors and actuators embedded in these tools. To implement the proposed system properly, a model of the drilling domain is constructed with all drilling mechanics and parameters, along with the well trajectory and temperature equations taken into consideration. The proposed model is implemented and tested using AgentOil, a multi-agent-based simulation tool, and the results are evaluated. Furthermore , the requirements of a real-time temperature mitigation system for Oil&Gas drilling operations are identified and the constraints of such systems are analyzed.
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Dates and versions

emse-01873393 , version 1 (13-09-2018)


  • HAL Id : emse-01873393 , version 1


Yazan Mualla, Amro Najjar, Robin Vanet, Olivier Boissier, Stéphane Galland. Towards a Real-time Mitigation of High Temperature while Drilling using a Multi-agent System. 1st International Workshop on Real-Time Compliant Multi-Agent Systems, RTcMAS 2018, Jul 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.77-92. ⟨emse-01873393⟩
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