Theses Year : 2025

Service ramp-up management by considering sustainability and risks

Gestion de la montée en puissance des services en tenant compte de la durabilité et des risques


This PhD research explores the development of service ramp-up management, a multidisciplinary concept that encompasses the processes and strategies employed to effectively introduce and rapidly scale services in today’s dynamic business environment. This research addresses the complexities associated with service ramp-up and aims to answer two simple but fundamental research questions (RQs) in this context; When and How to ramp-up a service. To achieve these objectives, the research employed a Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, beginning with a systematic literature review (SLR) on decision-making in ramp-up management (DMiRM). A conceptual framework, obtained from the SLR funding, is proposed to provide a structured approach for DMiRM and guide decision-makers in ramp-up strategies. The research then focuses on agile ramp-up concept as an emerging paradigm crucial for the successful execution of service ramp-up projects. A conceptual Framework has been proposed for agile ramp-up phase to answer the first RQ: When to ramp-up. This framework, structured around five key stages and agile stage-gate model, underscores the importance of iterative development and continuous improvement in the context of service ramp-up. As the primary contribution of this research, this PhD research proposes a comprehensive framework namely “Agile Ramp-up Framework for Escalation Stage (ARFES)” to address the second RQ: How to ramp-up. ARFES integrates structured yet flexible approaches, enabling organizations to rapidly and swiftly adapt to evolving market conditions and customer demands. Moreover, ARFES incorporates a range of concepts, techniques, and methodologies including agility and agile principles, simulation , sustainability and performance indicators, risk management, and Business Process Standardization (BPS), to facilitate systematic and iterative process performance improvements. Following the designated DSR methodology, the framework was evaluated and refined through two iterations: a content validity assessment and a detailed practical use case in a Additive Manufacturing Service.
Cette thèse explore la gestion de la montée en puissance des services, un concept multidisciplinaire visant à introduire et développer rapidement des services dans un environnement dynamique. Elle répond à deux questions fondamentales : Quand et comment intensifier un service. Une méthodologie de recherche en sciences de la conception (DSR) a été employée, incluant une revue systématique de la littérature (SLR) sur la prise de décision dans ce domaine. Un cadre conceptuel structuré, basé sur le modèle agile principales et le stage-gate, a été développé pour répondre à la question quand intensifier, en mettant en avant l'importance du développement itératif et de l'amélioration continue. La contribution principale est le cadre « Agile Ramp-up Framework for Escalation Stage » (ARFES), qui répond à la question comment intensifier. ARFES intègre principes agiles, simulation, durabilité, gestion des risques et standardisation des processus pour améliorer les performances de manière systématique et itérative.Validé par une évaluation de contenu et une étude de cas pratique dans la fabrication additive, ce cadre offre aux organisations une approche flexible pour s'adapter aux marchés en constante évolution.
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tel-04921410 , version 1 (30-01-2025)


  • HAL Id : tel-04921410 , version 1


Shervin Kadkhoda-Ahmadi. Service ramp-up management by considering sustainability and risks. Engineering Sciences [physics]. Université de Lyon, 2025. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-04921410⟩
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