Conference Papers Year : 2001

How to specify an simulation model of an industrial system in MaMA-S


We are located in the context of industrial system simulation. These system are complex and distributed in operational, decisional and informational terms. This article is divided into two parts. The first has for object to position us within the framework of a modeling and specification methodology, for which a study was suggested by [Galland, 1999]. We briefly expose the problems and the considered solution: a methodological approach called MAMA-S. The following section presents the first major stage of the MAMA-S's life cycle: specification of abstract simulation models. It allows to create industrial system models that will be su±ciently generic to be independent from the visions brought by the existing simulation tools. This phase is based on the concepts resulting from Uml and the multi-agent systems. In addition we introduce new modeling elements that taking into account the operational, the decisional and the informational distributions of the industrial systems. We conclude this article by a short presentation of a specific editor and two applications of the theories released by MAMA-S.
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emse-00720896 , version 1 (26-07-2012)


  • HAL Id : emse-00720896 , version 1


Stéphane Galland, Frédéric Grimaud, Jean-Pierre Campagne. How to specify an simulation model of an industrial system in MaMA-S. 15th European Simulation Multiconferences - Modelling and Simulation (ESM 2001), Jun 2001, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 296-305. ⟨emse-00720896⟩
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