Transforming a secure e-commerce application into a multiagent based solution for e-contracting
The eCommerce domain needs more and more automation, speed and security for its customers. That's why the number of B2B applications handling electronic contracts and digital signatures is still increasing. These ones are based on certi - cates and use secure communication protocols. Nevertheless most of them don't take into account negotiation regarding to contracts clauses and arbitration of potential con icts. In the Multi-Agent System (MAS) domain contract notion exists too. Social contracts make social control and man- agement of cooperation between agents possible. This pa- per will consist in combining notions of electronic contract and social contract in order to integrate agents within an eCommerce platform for the automation and autonomous negotiation of electronic contracts terms. We experiment our proposal in the context of secure eBusiness application trading intangible assets where we consider a speci c busi- ness case related to the translation sector.